Season Plans

The 2017 college football season is upon us, and as I deal with a full work schedule and a very busy lab puppy, I am trying to figure out a reasonable schedule to maintain this love of mine.  What makes it more challenging is the amount of information available at one's fingertips when you try to consider all divisions of the game.  Week one can also be daunting as you try to find the right rhythm for pumping out material for folks to read and enjoy on a daily basis - especially with all the early games on Thursday and Friday.

It is my intent to have a schedule of my favorite games posted on Monday, post favorite games and/or rivalry games on Tuesday, and add some game storylines on Wednesday.  The rest of the week would be adding games from all divisions.  Over the weekend I would add highlights of the games played and the scores.  And finally, if I have time to put out some fun facts and other news, I will squeeze them into the website.

A lot of work awaits...